Claudia is such a positive person who always looks on the bright side of life. Her blog is guaranteed to get you thinking more positive and her stories make you put your life into perspective on so many different levels.
1/ Coolest thing in your wardrobe?
Most likely one pair of high heels, nude pumps.
2/ Where did you grow up?
In Timisoara, Romania
3/ If you could pick a super power what would it be?
Make all children smile and happy
4/ Why did you start blogging?
To help a friend, who was demonstrating that non-users can start blogging in less than 2 months and know all tricks!
5/ What direction would you like to take your blog?
At the moment I am happy with the way it is, telling stories.
6/ What trends do you like at the moment?
I like all things knitted :)
7/ 5 essentials in your wardrobe?
Jeans, black jacket, white T shirt, black boots and my black bag.
8/ Whats one thing you eat that makes other go eeww?
9/ What song is your karaoke staple?
Every breath you take by Sting
10/ What was your nickname at school?
11/ What's your most irrational fear?
To be stranded
12/ If you were down to your last $10 what would you spend it on?
13/ Who is the most famous person you have ever met?
A German TV presenter, Günther Jauch
14/ Describe your perfect day?
Waking up on a sunny morning, have breakfast with my husband, read a bit, have a nice walk in the park, coffee shops in between. A nice dinner in the evening, with friends.
15/ If your life was a tv series what show would it be?
Murder she wrote, acting as Jessica Fletcher. Love mysteries and puzzles.
16/ What always makes you giggle inappropriately?
Do I? I guess I am only smiling nicely :)
17/ Who would play you in a film of your life?
Oh! That is a hard one, Meryl Streep love the actress.
18/ What's the most played song on your ipod?
All Sting albums.
19/ If you could choose a profession what would it be and why?
Detective :) see question 15
Claudia thanks so much for being my Gotta Love This Girl for this month. If anyone wants to be my Holly Jolly December Gotta Love This Girl please email me at and don't forget to check Claudia's blog out at
The Story
Thank you so much! You are so sweet!
I like learning about other bloggers. Great questions.
That's fantastic. This is such a great feature. It's a good way to get to know other through the blogs :)
Claudia really is a super lady! So nice to get some more insight in to her! XX
I'm a big fan of Claudia, and it was good to know a little bit more about her, from her answers today. Great idea for a blog post by the way!
Ohhh.... I really enjoyed this and I love Claudia. She is one of the most upbeat persons I have met on the internet. She's a really sweet girl and I was delighted when she began to blog with BFF. Thank you for sharing her with other people as well.
these were great questions and such fun answers, she seems like a cool cat :)
I just love Claudia and her answers were great!
What a great post! x
How wonderful! Glad all you folks are getting a peek at our Claudia! Already love her and not just for the month!
Great answers Claudia.
Aw I love her blog too and really enjoyed reading this post :)
very interesting... i going over ; )
Great interview and lovely flowers !
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So sweet! I'll check out her blog now. Claudia is one of my favourite names too.
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