Thanks so much to the beautiful Barby from
Blue shoes for this award. All you have to do is,
Write seven facts about yourself.
- I am on a major health kick at the moment.
- I am starting to love the colour pink.
- I love to be at the beach it makes me so happy.
- Cleaning is very therapeutic for me.
- I don't drink red wine as it turns me loopy.
- I like Brussel Sprouts.
- My feet are so small that I can wear children's shoes.
Answer these questions:
Favorite color: Red.
Favorite song: Hard one.... B52's Love Shack guaranteed to get everyone singing and dancing. TINNED ROOF, RUSTED!!!!!
Favorite dessert: Anything chocolate.
What is p*ssing you off: I'm in a bit of a rut and I don't know how to get out of it.
When I'm upset: I chuck tanty's
Favorite pet: Cat, Mindy Moo
Black and white: and read all over, a newspaper.
Biggest fear: To be alone. As I cant have kids I fear of being a lonely old woman all by my self.
Best feature: My eyes.
Everyday attitude: To just have fun and be Happy.
What is perfection: No such thing.
Guilty pleasure: Chocolate.
I pass this award to the beautiful ladies below. Thanks again Barby!!!
Heather from
29 Skirts
Claire from
My Little Life
Louise from
Thrive On Novelty
and last but not least Ang from
My Life Less ordinary