On Wednesday I noticed a massive lump on my cat Mindy's stomach. I took him straight to the vet and he told me to bring him back on Thursday for a small op to remove a cyst, which he has got from cat fighting. Thursday came and I took the cat to the vet everything went smoothly and little boy needs to be locked in for a while so everything can heal. I love seeing Mindy with the bucket on his head he looks very Lady Gaga.
Thursday night Jeremy slipped in the kitchen and smashed his foot into the oven, he couldn't walk and two of his toes bruised up straight away. We went to the hospital and found out he has fractured two toes and needs to tape them up for a while.
Friday I am in hospital for a planned keyhole surgery due to my endometriosis. I went in surgery at 8.30am the first op for the day. I did not come around from the anesthetic till 3pm. I also did not stop throwing up till 11pm. The op was supposed to be day surgery and I ended up getting out 12pm on Saturday. Here is a photo of almost all the injured parties with in the house. Hubby doesn't want a photo of his foot on my blog, I really don't know why.
I hope every ones week has been a little better than ours. Have a great weekend, talk soon xxx
Oh no! I hope next week is super dooper for you, to make up. Hope everyone is on the mend!
Ang xxx
oh what a sweet kitty! I love cats very much. I hope everything will be okay. Thanks for dropping a sweet line. Have a nice weekend!
Oh goodness, what a week indeed! I hope you are all much better now!
Your poor family! At least your kitty is sitting with you to make you feel better, I find that always helps:)
Oh you poor, poor thing. Are you all feeling a bit better now? Bet all the cats in the area want to look like Mindy ;) Take care xxx
Good lord! I hope all of you make a speedy recovery.
Oh deary me, they say things come in threes I think! Wishing you all a speedy recovery, your cat is very cute, and clearly very avant garde with the Lady Gaga inspired wear ;) xx
aww he's so cute with the cone on. Hope he gets better soon xx
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