Finally I have seen the movie. I finished the book earlier this year and I really think the movie was quite lame compared to the book. I know thats the way it normally goes the book is always better than the movie. Do you agree? Which one did you like more? What I did like about the movie was the beautiful scenery for each country. It has really inspired me to try and travel more and to get my camera out again.

ohh I want to see this movie so much! thnx for the lovely comment!
come follow me I will follow back!
Actually did a post on the book today!
I made the mistake of watching the movie before reading the book and now I am feeling very discouraged to continue reading. The movie was, well to be honoust, long and a little boring.
Love and Stuff, the book wasn't that amazing for me either but so many of my girlfriends loved it.
I heard many good things about this book but I haven't had a chance to read it!! I would like to watch this movie sometime but I always feel like book is way better than the movie!! :)
Charleston had really cute downtown unlike many ugly downtown in the United States. I had good time in Charleston.
Love Nana
Loving your blog!I am now a follower:)This movie was great, I need to reed the book now:)
Honestly, I wasn't taken with either, but the movie was really woeful. Best bit was the amazing scenery, and the fact that Julia LOOKS like what she is - a woman in her 40's.
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