Sunday, June 29, 2014

Super Hero Training School

 Last weekend it was our Goddaughters 4th Birthday. My Bestie organised a massive obstacle course as a Super Hero Training School and all the kids got certificates at the end. There was 50 children and it was quite a full on day. Kids and sugar equals HYPO!!!!!!!!!!

Here is a photo of the beautiful Birthday Girl!!!

 My Bestie did so well with all the food. I haven't posted any photos of the kids I didn't know as I know how some parents are about having their children on the internet.

 This is our beautiful little angel in the dress that we bought her for her birthday. As soon as she opened our present the Wonder Woman costume came off and our present went on. So nice to know that she loved her present.
This last shot is very late in the night when it was just family and close friends. Have a look at all of her presents on the chair behind us, she is a very lucky girl. Hope you all had a fantastic weekend, it is certainly winter here at the moment. I am freezing!!!!!

Monday, June 23, 2014

Finding Nemo

 So I found another Mountain to climb this time it was Mount Coolum at the Sunshine Coast. This climb was a lot smaller than the last one and only took about an hour. The views were amazing so I could pretend to be taking photos while I was really trying to catch my breath.

 After the climb we went to Underwater World this place is amazing. As soon as we walked in we saw some crazy seahorses that looked like something from Harry Potter. I attempted to take photos  but unfortunately they were quite fast and the photos were a blur. We did find Nemo though. We watched the Seal and Otter show and walked through the aquarium arch at least three times. We had such a fantastic day. This winter im going to try and get out and do more, rather than being huddled under a blanket watching TV. Mind you I have just started watching Orphan Black and I am addicted!!!!

Thursday, June 19, 2014

For All The Cat Lovers

Cats were put into this world to disprove the dogma that all things were created to serve man - Paul Gray
Cats can work out mathematically the exact place to sit that will cause most inconvenience - Pam  Brown

Most cats enjoy kneading - digging their claws into rugs, fabrics or human arms or legs. It exercises certain muscles, but I think they do it for fun, too - Lloyd Alexander
If you are worthy of it's affection, a cat will be your friend, but never your slave - Theophile Gautier

One Must love a cat on it's own terms - Peter Gray
People meeting for the first time suddenly relax if they find they both have cats. and plunge into anecdote - Charlotte Gray
A cat allows you to sleep on the bed. On the edge - Jenny De Vries
Cats like doors left open - in case they change their minds -Rosemary Nisbet

 One cat is fine. She will probably sleep over the hot water bottle or in the crook of your knees or on your lap or folded in your arms, though there are eccentrics who prefer to wedge themselves under the chin, curl around the head, squat on the hip or rib cage or shoulders or simply insist on lying nose to nose, breathing kipper - Rosemary Nisbet

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Winter Lights Festival

This is the second year we have helped our girlfriend out at this festival. It is such a fun night, unfortunately it was raining this year so the crowd was a lot smaller than normal. Believe me the lanterns look amazing, but unfortunately they are very heavy and awkward to carry. We had a total blast and met some lovely ladies that make the lanterns and have volunteered ourselves for any other festivals that they may require us at.

I hope you all had a lovely weekend xxxx

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Party Dress

It's my birthday soon and I am trying to buy the perfect birthday dress. I'm still in love with my one from last year but every girl deserves a new birthday dress don't they? Some of my favourites are these Bernie Dexter's and I have also found some gorgeous ones from Kitten D'amour on EBay and unfortunately I keep getting outbid. Any other ideas of where I could look for this style of dress?

Monday, June 9, 2014

Colour Me Fun!!!!

 Last Sunday after my big hike up the mountain I had to do the colour run. I was a little worried about running 5km as my legs were so sore, but lucky for me everyone walked. Who would want to run and miss out on all that colour. I feel really bad that I took a photo of this ladies bum, but I just loved these shorts, they are so cute!!!!!

 At each 1km point you had a themed coloured area where people threw the powdered paint at you and at the end you just have on big paint fight. The end was so much fun people of all different ages, sex and nationalities just having a total blast. No drugs or alcohol necessary just lots of good music and paint.
If the Colour Run is coming to your area I totally recommend it, I had so much fun. Only bad thing is I have a pink patch of hair that doesn't come out no matter how much washing and products I put in. Hope you had a lovely weekend xxxx

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Walking On Clouds

On Saturday I climbed Mount Warning, it took 5 hours and 15minutes and was absolutely exhausting. I wasn't able to take many photos as I was a woman on a mission. This first photo shows how much cloud was covering the Mountain, well you can't actually even see the top of the mountain.

  I have wanted to climb this Mountain for so long but if we get any heavy rain the track gets closed. So what happens when we turn up, yes that's right it starts raining. The whole 5 hours we were climbing it was raining.
 The first 1/3 of the walk was hell and I didn't think that I could do it.  After that the climb seemed to get easier of maybe I started to get used to it.

 You can see in these shots how beautiful and lush the climb was in places. You can also see the clouds that we were walking through.
 I was so happy to make it to half way and knew if I had come this far that I was not turning back. Not long after this my calf muscles started cramping quite badly and we had to sit down and rest.
This is at the top it was a total white out and you couldn't see anything. We were drenched and exhausted but so proud of our selves. All we need to do now is climb back down.
It is now 4 days after the climb and my legs are still sore.
Even though I am in pain it was so worth it.

Monday, June 2, 2014

May Photo Scavenger Hunt

Well this is my first time joining in with this monthly treasure hunt. I just want to say thanks to Jill Greenthumb for  organising all of these amazing hunts.

So here is mine
L is for Lights
7pm is my dinner time
Left is for me being left handed
Gadget for Jeremy's Star Wars Lego
 Puzzle for my building a cube puzzle
 Letters from my Pen pals
 Reflection from a art installation
 Fresh for fresh flowers
  Tiny for a dragonfly I found in our garden
 Hidden for the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow
 Demolition for the destruction of a piñata
Antiques for Jeremy's parents antique clocks.