Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Winter Wonders

I can't believe that winter is here in 2 more days, where has this year gone. I have been keeping my eyes out for some cute jumpers for winter and these are some of my favorites from Princess Highway. I am totally in love with the cat jumper and cardi, I just wish that they came in other colours. What have you been buying lately?

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Sunday Afternoon Walks


I feel so bad for Mindy Cat as he is not going on his daily walks. It's so dark in the morning before  I leave for work and it's dark when I get home from work. So every weekend we try and make it up to him, by going on extra long walks. We are so lucky that we back onto a park and it's a park that is not used by many people. We sometimes grab a picnic rug, books and the cat and read our books in the sun. The cat is so good and just lies on the rug with us, if people walk past they give us the strangest looks. Almost everyone on our street knows us because we walk the cat, they probably call me the crazy cat lady and I'm ok with that. There are far worse things you could be called. Hope you had a lovely weekend and made the most of your two days of freedom.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Road Trip


 I went back to work on Monday and then I had another RDO, so we decided to go on a bit of a road trip. I love  driving with no idea of where your heading. We ended up out in the country and stopped off for lunch at a local café and visited a couple of OP shops. I saw the railway line and just had to stop for photos. Five minutes after we took the photo's along came an old steam train. Which was pretty special. The train driver was tooting his horn at us and everyone on board was waving at us. I think we need to spend more days like this. With nothing planned and just see where we end up, it's so much fun! Who needs plan's says the girl who plans everything hehehe. Enjoy the rest of your week xxx

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Sick Week

I have been a sick girl all of this week. I only worked Monday, I had Tuesday off sick and went back to work on Wednesday only to drip snot on a customers insurance policy, so I decided enough is a enough and went straight home to bed. I have had the rest of the week off work which is shocking for me. The only good thing is that I have got to watch lots of DVD's. So all I can really do is a dvd review for you, as hearing about the colour of my snot and my sore throat is kind of boring.
Blue Jasmine, is about a New York socialite who loses everything when her Husband is done for fraud. Jasmine moves in with her Sister to start a new life. Cate Blanchett is amazing but unfortunately Woody Allen movies just don't do it for me.

Austenland is about a woman who travels to a Jane Austen theme park in search of a perfect Mr Darcy. As corny as it is, it's kind of sweet. Or did I just overdose on cold and flu tablets while I watched this one.

 Saving Mr Banks is the story of the making of Mary Poppins. I loved seeing the life of P L Travers the author of Mary Poppins and seeing how hard it was for her to turn the book into a movie. I LOVED this movie, I cant believe that people were not ranting about this movie.
The Book Thief is narrated by death and the movie is set during the Holocaust. Liesel is a nine year old foster child to Hans and Rosa. Hans refuses to join the Nazi's so their opportunities are limited. Hans allows Max a fugitive to move into their home. Max and Liesel strike up a strong friendship due to their love of books. I don't want to spoil it and tell you anymore just in case you haven't read the book. If you have read the book you may be a little disappointed by  certain bits being left out. But in all fairness I absolutely loved this book and movie.

Monday, May 12, 2014

Op Shop Find

My local OP shop had a half price book weekend and I went a little crazy purchasing books. One of the books I just had to share with you is called Alphacats. It's a kids book with poetry about different cats around Australia. The thing that appealed to me most was the illustrations. They are totally amazing and I am going to frame a couple for our bedroom. What do you think???

 Alphacats by Nicholas Brash
Illustrated by Wendy De Paauw


Sunday, May 11, 2014

The Path To Adventure

 As I have been working so many Saturday's, I am trying so hard to make my Sunday's count. We ventured up to O'rielly's which is a 2 hour trip up a big mountain range. We nearly hit a kangaroo on the way there, thank goodness for good brakes.
 It's a lovely area to visit you have a suspension bridge over the top of the rainforest which gives you amazing views, you can also climb a massive tree of which I wanted to climb but at that exact point I heard my first clap of thunder.

This little girl is petrified of storms so I was out of there, quick smart. The worst place to be in a storm is near trees so I ran my little butt straight back to the car which is the safest place to be in a storm. I hope your weekend was a little better than ours xxxx

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Falling Back To Earth

 I will apologise now for the overload of photos. On Sunday I went to the Gallery Of Modern Art in Brisbane to see the Cai Guo-Qiang art installation called, " Falling Back To Earth". The first installation was called, "Head On"  and it consisted of 99 wolves in a vertical loop, only to hit a glass wall before returning to the beginning.

 The installation is all about human nature and how we gain power and momentum through unity.
The glass wall suggests that we may not  even be aware of an obstacle and that invisible barriers are sometimes the hardest walls to destroy. All in all it was a  pretty amazing and very clever.

 The next installation was called, "Heritage" and it was mind blowing. This installation also has 99 animals from all around the world, gathered together to drink from a single waterhole. This installation was massive in size and I loved everything about it.

 Walking around this installation I had a lump in my throat and I was finding it really hard not to cry.  Like the single drip that breaks the surface of the water and interrupts the stillness of the room. The installation raises questions that activates the strange and peaceful tableau, what brought these animals together, and how can the predators and prey in this gathering relate to each other? If Heritage portrays the perfect paradise, does it also symbolise Earth's sorrow? That's direct from the programme, and it resonates so well with what I was feeling while I was there.

If you have a chance to see this exhibition please go, you wont be disappointed it is truly amazing!!!
Happy Hump Day and enjoy the rest of your week

Friday, May 2, 2014

April In A Nutshell

READING:  The Divergent Series and The Secret
WATCHING:  Movies Frozen and Divergent
LISTENING:  Dubmarine CD  a band we loved at Blues Fest
MAKING: Happy quotes for my happiness jar
WISHING: For a weekend that I didn't have to work
HOPING:  I can find time to finish my jigsaw puzzle on the weekend
Better late than never with my end of month round up. I loved April as the temperatures are dropping,
we had five days of magic at Blues Fest and my Bestie left for a well deserved trip to Europe for a month. Here is to May and all the magic and wonders it can bring for all of us xxxx