Friday, December 30, 2011
What Are You Doing New Years Eve? by Zooey Deschanel and Joseph Gordon-L...
I love this it's so cute! I also want to know what are you doing New Years Eve? Have a good one what ever you may be doing. Sending you lots of hugs and kisses for midnight from Green Tea and Cupcakes XOXOXOXO
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Christmas Day
I hope you all had a lovely Christmas and got spoilt rotten. We have so many left overs from Christmas day it is such a waste. Christmas with both of our families went well apart from one argument about politics. Why oh why do people have to talk about politics I will never ever understand. Here are some pics of my prezzies, I got lots of cash as well of which I will hopefully spend on some gorgeous clothes. For those of you who have read Vampire academy there is a new spin off series from it called Bloodlines, I will let you know what it's like. I will not be posting until the New Year, so Happy New Year to you all. We are going to Byron Bay for New Years, a quiet one with just the two of us. I can't wait we have had family staying with us for a while so it will be nice to share this New years together.
Saturday, December 24, 2011
Merry Christmas
Just a quickie to show you some photos of my friends street, the whole street has Christmas lights and it looks amazing. I also want to wish you all a very Merry Christmas, I hope that you all get spoilt rotten. Thanks to all my followers who have made my blogging experience extra special this year. I will be back blogging in 2012 until then Merry Christmas and Happy New Year my Lovelies XXX
Thursday, December 22, 2011
Gotta Love This Girl December
My Holly Jolly Christmas, Gotta love this girl is Em from Vintage Sweetheart Em is the best Op shopper out there I always get so jealous of her purchases and I would love to raid her wardrobe for a day.

1/ Coolest thing in your wardrobe?
My favourite vintage dress I picked up from A Little Wicked in NYC.
2/ Where did you grow up? Perth, Western Australia.
3/ If you could pick a super power what would it be? Teleportation it would make travel much cheaper!
4/ Why did you start blogging? I actually wasn't going to blog. I had been reading a number of vintage/op shoppers blogs for a couple of months and wanted to be able to comment so I made a blog. I made my first post as a test to see what it looked like and the lovely Nelly commented asking to see my vintage clothes. After that I became addicted!
5/ What direction would you like to take your blog? I'd really like to be more of style blogger but I'm pretty happy with the way it is at the moment.
6/ What one thing you eat that makes other go eeww? Pork, mayonnaise and melted cheese slice sandwiches.
7/ What's your most irrational fear? Moths, I scream like a little girl and hide when I see them. They're ugly damn it!
8/ If you were down to your last $10 what would you spend it on? I would spend it at the op shop of course hopefully on a lovely vintage dress.
9/ If your life was a tv series what show would it be? Hoarders! Only joking but my lack of ability to put things away makes me feel like I am becoming a hoarder.
10/ What always makes you giggle inappropriately? People falling over, it's horrible but I just can't help it.

11/ Who would play you in a film of your life? Emma Stone would be pretty awesome.
12/ What's the most played song on your ipod? Dreams - Fleetwood Mac. Best concert I have ever been to was Fleetood Mac.
13/ If you could choose a profession what would it be and why? A fashion buyer or a vintage clothing shop owner. A girl can dream can't she?
14/ What do you really want for Christmas? A new tattoo I think I have become addicted to them!
15/ What's your favourite Christmas carol? Have yourself a merry little Christmas!
16/ What has been your most favourite Christmas present ever? A gorgeous handmade dollhouse. It's absolutely huge and I hope to give it to a future daughter if I have one!
17/ Have you been a good girl or a bad girl this year? I know I've been a bad girl this year but shhhh don't tell Santa
Em thanks so much for being my Gotta Love This Girl for this month. If anyone wants to be my January Gotta Love This Girl please email me at and don't forget to check Em's blog out at Vintage Sweetheart
1/ Coolest thing in your wardrobe?
My favourite vintage dress I picked up from A Little Wicked in NYC.
2/ Where did you grow up? Perth, Western Australia.
3/ If you could pick a super power what would it be? Teleportation it would make travel much cheaper!
4/ Why did you start blogging? I actually wasn't going to blog. I had been reading a number of vintage/op shoppers blogs for a couple of months and wanted to be able to comment so I made a blog. I made my first post as a test to see what it looked like and the lovely Nelly commented asking to see my vintage clothes. After that I became addicted!
5/ What direction would you like to take your blog? I'd really like to be more of style blogger but I'm pretty happy with the way it is at the moment.
6/ What one thing you eat that makes other go eeww? Pork, mayonnaise and melted cheese slice sandwiches.
7/ What's your most irrational fear? Moths, I scream like a little girl and hide when I see them. They're ugly damn it!
8/ If you were down to your last $10 what would you spend it on? I would spend it at the op shop of course hopefully on a lovely vintage dress.
9/ If your life was a tv series what show would it be? Hoarders! Only joking but my lack of ability to put things away makes me feel like I am becoming a hoarder.
10/ What always makes you giggle inappropriately? People falling over, it's horrible but I just can't help it.
11/ Who would play you in a film of your life? Emma Stone would be pretty awesome.
12/ What's the most played song on your ipod? Dreams - Fleetwood Mac. Best concert I have ever been to was Fleetood Mac.
13/ If you could choose a profession what would it be and why? A fashion buyer or a vintage clothing shop owner. A girl can dream can't she?
14/ What do you really want for Christmas? A new tattoo I think I have become addicted to them!
15/ What's your favourite Christmas carol? Have yourself a merry little Christmas!
16/ What has been your most favourite Christmas present ever? A gorgeous handmade dollhouse. It's absolutely huge and I hope to give it to a future daughter if I have one!
17/ Have you been a good girl or a bad girl this year? I know I've been a bad girl this year but shhhh don't tell Santa
Em thanks so much for being my Gotta Love This Girl for this month. If anyone wants to be my January Gotta Love This Girl please email me at and don't forget to check Em's blog out at Vintage Sweetheart
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
My Christmas Helpers
My first Chirstmas helper is Christie from While Life Passes By

Hi lovelies. Its Christie here and its a great pleasure to be sharing with you my top 5 reasons as to why I love Christmas.
No.1 - Spending time with my most loved friends and close family. Its nice to know that while Christmas is known as the busiest time of year, we all still make time to see each other and wish our friends and family a safe and happy Christmas and New Year.
No.2 - Buying gifts (any excuse for shopping makes me happy).
No.3 - Decorating my home - I love decorating my home, putting up the Christmas tree and decorating the house with Christmas ornaments while listening to Christmas songs by Michael Buble.
No.4 - Food - While I try to eat healthy most of the year, on Christmas day I really look forward to stuffing my face with roast lamb and potato bake.
No.5 - Appreciating what I have. Christmas time for has always been a time where I reflect back on the year that will shortly end and be thankful for all that I have. Sometimes when life gets busy we often forget to realise how blessed we really are, and how worse off it could be. Christmas is a time to be thankful for all that we have.
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My Second Christmas Helper is Louise fromThrive On Novelty and here is her list of the 5 things she loves most about Christmas.

1. Watching love actually on christmas eve
2. Being able to buy White Xmas tea from T2
3. The smell of a real christmas tree
4. Spending time with my family
5. All the amazing food (roast, prawns, cookies, pavlova... the list goes on!)
I hope you have an amazing christmas :)

Hi lovelies. Its Christie here and its a great pleasure to be sharing with you my top 5 reasons as to why I love Christmas.
No.1 - Spending time with my most loved friends and close family. Its nice to know that while Christmas is known as the busiest time of year, we all still make time to see each other and wish our friends and family a safe and happy Christmas and New Year.
No.2 - Buying gifts (any excuse for shopping makes me happy).
No.3 - Decorating my home - I love decorating my home, putting up the Christmas tree and decorating the house with Christmas ornaments while listening to Christmas songs by Michael Buble.
No.4 - Food - While I try to eat healthy most of the year, on Christmas day I really look forward to stuffing my face with roast lamb and potato bake.
No.5 - Appreciating what I have. Christmas time for has always been a time where I reflect back on the year that will shortly end and be thankful for all that I have. Sometimes when life gets busy we often forget to realise how blessed we really are, and how worse off it could be. Christmas is a time to be thankful for all that we have.
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My Second Christmas Helper is Louise fromThrive On Novelty and here is her list of the 5 things she loves most about Christmas.

Friday, December 16, 2011
My Christmas Helpers
My little helper today is Emma from Gawgus Things and this what she loves most about Christmas. Thanks for helping me out Emma X

Wednesday, December 14, 2011
A Christmas Read
I have just finished reading "This Year It Will Be Different" by Maeve Binchey. The book is full of short stories about Christmas. Some stories are sad and some are funny and you can relate to all of them in some way. As the back of the book states, "The festive season may be magical, but it can also be a time of family difficulties, a time to reflect on relationships; a time of change. I really did enjoy the book normally when it's just short stories I get frustrated because I want more, with this it's just enough to make you fall in love with each character and relate to their Christmas.
Saturday, December 10, 2011
My Christmas Helpers

My next Christmas helper is Em fromVintage Sweetheart and here is what she loves most about Christmas. How cute is her Christmas photo!
1) The Christmas displays in op shops, I love the mismatched themes.
2) The food we only eat at Christmas. Turkey and Viennetta ice-cream YUM!
3) Watching my nephews open their presents.
4) Singing along (badly) to cheesy Christmas carols.
5) Looking at the awesome light displays around the neighbourhoods.
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
More Christmas Catch Up's
How cute are these Lego figurines I so want one. My Husbands boss gave everyone in his team a Lego figurine. Poor Jeremy was the only one who ended up with the girly one. All the more fun for me.
We caught up with a girlfriend of mine and her family at the beach it was such a lovely Morning. I bought her daughter Bella a girly pack of pink goodies with sunglasses,bangles,necklace, hair clips and hairbands. I have never seen a little girls face light up so much. I knew I did well by the smile on her face and that she immediately had to wear all of the items straight away.
How awesome are the presents we received a Duplex mouse, cactus toothpick holder, Zorro BBQ tool and the sweetest tea set ever.
This is what I wore to my Christmas lunch catch up with the branch that I work with.
and these are my new favourite shoes so cheap and so comfy Yay!
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
My Christmas Helpers
I have asked some of my lovely blogger friends to help us get into the Christmas spirit by telling us their 5 favourite things about Christmas. My first little helper is Michelle from Hot Pink Combat Boots. Michelle looks super festive with her Christmas jumper on. Enjoy!!!
Hi, I'm Michelle from Hot Pink Combat Boots, and Ms. Luan has graciously asked me to list 5 reasons why I LOVE Christmas. Just 5? Geez, this is going to be tough.
Here it goes - my TOP 5:
1. Shopping (finally .....a legit reason to shop. BONUS: stores are open later!)
2. Presents (both giving and receiving. I also love to elaborately wrap all of my presents - that's half of the fun!)
3. Pigging out on homemade (from your house - not mine, I'm not a baker) cookies, fudge, pastries, pies, cakes, candy.....etc.
4. Ugly Sweater Parties and Clever Cocktails
5. Wearing my new pajamas and enjoy Christmas day breakfast, movies and card games. Bliss
Hi, I'm Michelle from Hot Pink Combat Boots, and Ms. Luan has graciously asked me to list 5 reasons why I LOVE Christmas. Just 5? Geez, this is going to be tough.
Here it goes - my TOP 5:
1. Shopping (finally .....a legit reason to shop. BONUS: stores are open later!)
2. Presents (both giving and receiving. I also love to elaborately wrap all of my presents - that's half of the fun!)
3. Pigging out on homemade (from your house - not mine, I'm not a baker) cookies, fudge, pastries, pies, cakes, candy.....etc.
4. Ugly Sweater Parties and Clever Cocktails
5. Wearing my new pajamas and enjoy Christmas day breakfast, movies and card games. Bliss
Saturday, December 3, 2011
Chirstmas Party
OK, so ages ago I was ranting about a new favourite dress that I had just bought. Well this is the little gem I absolutely adore it and can't believe that it has taken me this long to wear it.
I had my first Christmas party last night it was with my old team that I used to work with at the beginning of the year. It was so good to catch up with them all.
This was my secret Santa present, Kamapootra 52 positions to do a poo. It is absolutely hilarious if you have a warped sense of humour like I do. I have posted a couple of pages from the book for those who are as gross as I am.
Friday, December 2, 2011
Summers Here!!!!!!!!!!
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